Saturday, January 25, 2020

Courage in Little Women and Treasure Island Essay -- Literary Analysis

The dictionary definition of courage is bravery or boldness. In the set texts of Little Women and Treasure Island, courage is defined through the interaction of the characters, the situation and their reactions to it. Thus, there are different aspects of courage explored throughout the texts resulting in either in physical or psychological pain or a mixture to the characters. In this essay, I will analysis the method that each author employs to inform the reader of courage, discuss some aspects of courage explored in the texts and look at how courage differs between the genders. Alcott uses characterisation to display courage. She builds the characters over a period through their words, actions and appearance in conjunction with other characters comments and an omniscient authorial voice (Lukens, 2003). The character of Beth has a shy manner and timid voice, staying at home and who admits to being afraid of people. She is ‘dear’ to other characters and the author tells the reader her pet name is mouse. Yet this character shows courage by thanking Mr Laurence, who frightens her, for her piano causing Meg to exclaim that ‘the world is coming to an end’ (Little Women p.63) Alcott enhances this action through intertextuality to Pilgrims Progress where Mr Laurence is one of the biggest lions guarding the Palace Beautiful. Beth is the foil for the main protagonist, Jo for whom this behaviour is normal as evidence by her statement of Mr Laurence ‘I’m sure now that I shouldn’t be afraid of him’ (Little Women p.52 ). This illustrates that there are different levels of courage dependant on the characteristics of the character. Stevenson (2009) admits in his essay about his first novel that he does not use psychology and fine writing wh... ... (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University Loxley, D. (2009) ‘Slaves to adventure: The Pure Story of Treasure Island’ in Montgomery H and Watson N (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University Lukens, R. (2003) ‘Character’, A critical Handbook of Children’s Literature, Boston (USA), Ablong Reynolds (2009),!via/resourcepage/59898199/6764/moddata/resourcepage/ea300_dvd1_Boys_and_girls_reading_19th_century_transcript.doc Stevenson, R. (2009) ‘My first Book: ‘Treasure Island’’, in Montgomery H and Watson N (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University Courage in Little Women and Treasure Island Essay -- Literary Analysis The dictionary definition of courage is bravery or boldness. In the set texts of Little Women and Treasure Island, courage is defined through the interaction of the characters, the situation and their reactions to it. Thus, there are different aspects of courage explored throughout the texts resulting in either in physical or psychological pain or a mixture to the characters. In this essay, I will analysis the method that each author employs to inform the reader of courage, discuss some aspects of courage explored in the texts and look at how courage differs between the genders. Alcott uses characterisation to display courage. She builds the characters over a period through their words, actions and appearance in conjunction with other characters comments and an omniscient authorial voice (Lukens, 2003). The character of Beth has a shy manner and timid voice, staying at home and who admits to being afraid of people. She is ‘dear’ to other characters and the author tells the reader her pet name is mouse. Yet this character shows courage by thanking Mr Laurence, who frightens her, for her piano causing Meg to exclaim that ‘the world is coming to an end’ (Little Women p.63) Alcott enhances this action through intertextuality to Pilgrims Progress where Mr Laurence is one of the biggest lions guarding the Palace Beautiful. Beth is the foil for the main protagonist, Jo for whom this behaviour is normal as evidence by her statement of Mr Laurence ‘I’m sure now that I shouldn’t be afraid of him’ (Little Women p.52 ). This illustrates that there are different levels of courage dependant on the characteristics of the character. Stevenson (2009) admits in his essay about his first novel that he does not use psychology and fine writing wh... ... (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University Loxley, D. (2009) ‘Slaves to adventure: The Pure Story of Treasure Island’ in Montgomery H and Watson N (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University Lukens, R. (2003) ‘Character’, A critical Handbook of Children’s Literature, Boston (USA), Ablong Reynolds (2009),!via/resourcepage/59898199/6764/moddata/resourcepage/ea300_dvd1_Boys_and_girls_reading_19th_century_transcript.doc Stevenson, R. (2009) ‘My first Book: ‘Treasure Island’’, in Montgomery H and Watson N (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University

Friday, January 17, 2020

Case Study of the Nu Moorish International Group

The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development Mir No. 10 is here to improve the development Of humanity, we aim to educate and uplift our present condition and restore consciousness to a higher level our values consist of honesty integrity and loyalty. All of these values will be used to ascend and enhance and build confidence. Each of these values wills foundation. Leadership is essential and key to promote growth within our congregation the foundation will be embarking on principles that will encourage higher learning and establish discipline for a learning environment manifest great minds that produce great thoughts.The laws of I. S. L. A. M will be used as a tool teach the mastery of self guidance Teaching is the most prominent tool used to help with guidance, discipline self order. T. N. M. I. G. will be instrumental in gearing our constituents for higher Learning so they can be effective not only in society but also at home as well. The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development Mir No. 10 is not governed under any defacto laws or any entity under the corporation is ordered under The Moorish International Group of Science and Development.We are a freeborn people and are the Autochocton of Amexem we here at The Moorish International Group of Science is here to empower, to become and to create without any commands. TheNu Moorish International Group of Science and Development Mir No. 10, I deem it proper to submit a brief statement of our organization, covering its inception, rise and progress and of the Mohammedan religion. Which I hope will be satisfactory to you and be the means of causing you all times to adhere to the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice in your relations with humanity in general.I further, most anxiously hope this brief statement will help you to more clearly see the duty and wisdom of at all times upholding those fundamental principles which are desired for our civilization of our poste rity, such as obedience to law, respect and loyalty to government, tolerance, and unity. The object of our Organization is to help in the great program of uplifting fallen humanity and teach those things to make our members better citizens. A National organization with a Rotarian complexion as it relates to branch Temples became obvious with the ncreasing number of inquiries from men and women in different sections of the organization. There are branch Temples in fifteen different states at this time. Inspired by the lofty teachings of the Koran, we have it as the revealed word of God Allah. We shall foster the principles of its teachings among our members. This is our religious privilege as American citizens, under the laws of one of the greatest documents of all time, the American Constitution.Purpose and Scope. Nature: The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development is concerned with the human service endeavor known as teaching and coaching in an organizational cont ext. The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development members engage in dialogue and projects together to promote, critically examine, and further the quality and success of teaching in organizations. Diverse applications of teaching in an organizational context affect the success of the workforce, for example, through executive Teaching, Science, leadership, performance, alignment, and health, among many other strategies for overall organizational success.Meaning: What the diverse Teaching applications in organizations hold in common is that people and, Therefore, their organizations benefit significantly from the thoughtful and compassionate assistance of an effective and experienced coach, who may either stand outside the formal authority structure of the organization, or be a part of the internal professional development system of their organization. Purpose: The Moorish International Group Of Science and Development’s purpose is to maximize the success and e fficacy of Teaching in I. S. L. A. M. t a global level. This encompasses the ongoing expansion of knowledge about how and why Science and Development produces positive results; the continuous creation of resources – theoretical and practical – and sharing of best practices. Critical to this endeavor is the integration of all Leadership in dialogue, research and debate, to contribute to the growing success of teaching solutions in Science and Development. Scope: As implied in the name, The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development is National and international in scope.This organization intends to serve Constituencies located throughout the world. Given this fundamental intention, The Moorish International Group Of Science and Development shall be mindful of the differing languages, values and customs of these constituencies, as well as taking into account the logistics of time, space and finance that often impair equitable participation of various const ituencies in international consortia of this type. Diversity of perspectives and cultural views is both respected and promoted in The Moorish International Group of Science and Development.Young Leadership: In seeking to examine, promote, and advance the success of Teaching and coaching in an organizational setting, the national and International Consortium for Coaching in Organizations is intended as a forum for all people involved in coaching in organizations: the organizational users of Teaching and coaching, those who train and educate Science and Development , firms who employ coaches and arrange the delivery of Teaching services, the men and women who conduct research and provide scholarly review of the field, as well as those who devote their talents to the practice of coaching and to ongoing critical reflection on their own practices. Structure: The structure of The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development is also conveyed in the title. This organization is a consortium.A consortium is a loosely coupled, yet committed, group that may include individual members, organizations, associations, and professional firms. The consortium shall include businesses, corporations, coaches, coaching firms and as well as supporting organizations, like academic and other coach training programs and associations that provide continued professional education or promotional help. Membership will include both direct providers and users of organizational coaching services, including those who support the growth of the field as a profession through research partnerships, donations, and indirect involvement. .Distinguishing Characteristics The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development embraces five distinguishing characteristics.1. Results-Focused. The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development is committed to initiatives that maintain the quality and credibility of coaching practices in organizational settings. These initiative s will always be result-driven. By focusing on results, rather than on compliance with specific training doctrines, the consortium acknowledges the diversity of coaching settings and the diversity of approaches, which create results around the world. 2. Non-Political and Non-Ideological. The members of The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development believe that there is no one right way to do organizational Teaching.Conversely, while the proposed consortium is ?non-political,? it is also clear that The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development must attend in a serious and sustained manner to the issue of ethics, measurement and accountability. The Moorish International Group of Science and Development is not organized to support each and every mode of coaching in organizations, but is rather an organization that researches, assesses and makes available to its members data on the impact and relative advantages of different coaching strategies, using a v ariety of quantitative and qualitative measures of results as defined by the constituents. In sum, the consortium is apolitical, but not uncritical.The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development allows for—and actively encourages— multiple perspectives on Teaching, rather than pushing for the one right way or a single de facto standard. Yet, The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development also seeks to discriminate between fads and solidly established Teaching practices. The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development recognizes and accepts that there might be an enduring tension between the need for an acceptance of multiple strategies and the need for critical review of all strategies. Members of The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development believe that this tension is healthy and effective for an organization of this type.This second distinctive commitment allows The Nu Moorish International Group of Scienc e and Development to provide professional evaluation, career development and practice-building support to Teaching, assisting them to create results-based profiles of their experience (by providing result categories, examples of effective documentation, etc. ). Research/Scholarship Focus. Rather than just focusing on use of existing Teaching and coaching tools, the Members of The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development endeavor to build a base in theory and research that is geared toward application of teaching strategies.Bridge to the Broader Coaching Community: The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development is distinguished by its efforts to encourage—and co-sponsor—venues in which there is extended dialogue among different coaching modalities. Offering the gift of a true ederation around the world among coaching constituencies brightens the future of coaching for overall organizational success. Membership A. There are two Voting Cate gories of The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development membership: (1) Individual Membership (for both individual providers and recipients of coaching services) (2) Institutional Membership (for organizations that utilize coaching services, organizations that provide coaching and those that provide programs for the training of coaches) b) No-For-Profit, governmental, NGO etc. Annual Institutional Membership Fee (Annual Budget: >US$200 M) Annual Institutional Membership Fee (Annual Budget:

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Obesity Diabetes And Obesity - 2274 Words

Diabetes and Obesity in Southside Coalition One of the obesity characteristics include having metabolic syndrome for risk factors diseases such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes (Feizi, et. al, 2015). The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is becoming a significant problem in the United States. In fact since the 1990’s, only 1 -2 % of children with diabetes mellitus had type 2 diabetes and rates have grown since then (Rodbard, 2008). To help reduce the prevalence of these disorders, the Diabetes and Obesity Program at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles has made important contributions to people that live in the Los Angeles County. The Diabetes and Obesity Program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles develops, implements, and promotes innovative and effective strategies to combat both adolescent and adult diabetes and obesity (Diabetes and Obesity Program, 2016). Through the coalition building model and the transtheoretical model, they have different effects in outcomes of these conditions. Coalition Building Model The Diabetes and Obesity program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles has provided care to the Children that live in in Southside Coalition. Many children and adults of low socioeconomic status live in Southside Coalition is a non-profit consortium of primary care community clinics located in South Los Angeles due the disproportionately affected by the obesity epidemic (Diabetes and Community Engagement, 2016). The coalition building model has been effective inShow MoreRelatedObesity : Obesity And Diabetes833 Words   |  4 Pagesthe past several years, obesity has become a serious health concern in all around the world, Including the United States; overweight is at least partly responsible for the dramatic increase in diagnoses of type two diabetes (on-set diabetes) among children and adults. Diabesity is the label for diabetes occurring in the context of obesity (McNaughton 71 ). In Diabesity and the stigmatization of lifestyle in Australia we diagnose the correlation between obesity and diabetes; whether one of them isRead MoreObesity And Diabetes : Obesity Essay992 Words   |  4 PagesReview of Literature Obesity and Diabetes Obesity in the United States has more than doubled over the past four decades. Prevalence of obesity cause many other disease such as diabetes and heart issues. Obesity can be described as a health condition of a person or people of a population that have excess body fat. Diabetes is a disease related to high level of blood sugar in the blood. Obesity and diabetes are among disease that have direct relationship with each other. As obesity increase in a populationRead MoreThe Rate Of Obesity And Diabetes2465 Words   |  10 PagesIntroduction The rates of obesity and diabetes in mothers are quickly increasing across America. As it stands, roughly 40 percent of all women are obese, with over half of women in childbearing age being overweight, according to an article published in ScienceNews (Beil 2016). Diabetes is following a similar trend, as obesity is known to relate to its onset (Krakowiak et al 2012). Unfortunately, both conditions negatively impact the development of offspring during pregnancy (Krakowiak et. al 2012)Read MoreThe Epidemic Of Obesity And Diabetes Essay1432 Words   |  6 Pagestually zero.’ That’s a reasonable estimate of the probability that public health authorities in the foreseeable future will successfully curb the worldwide epidemics of obesity and diabetes, at least according to Margaret Chan, the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO) – a person who should know. Virtually zero is the likelihood, Chan said at the National Academy of Medicine’s annua l meeting in October, that she and her many colleagues worldwide will successfully prevent ‘a badRead MoreObesity And Type 2 Diabetes Essay1138 Words   |  5 PagesIn the nursing practice, obesity and Type 2 Diabetes are among the issues healthcare practitioners are dealing with. The problem has blown to epidemic proportions to a point whereby over 22 percent of the patients visiting the hospital are either diabetic or obese. Currently, 20 percent of the world’s adult population is classed as obese with more than 10 percent of children over 6 years being affected. Obesity is defined as the excess storage of body fat and plays a great role as a risk factor forRead MoreType Ii Diabetes: Obesity1729 Words   |  7 PagesType II diabetes: obesity and overweight Monica Davila DeVry Type II diabetes: obesity and overweight Diabetes has become a widespread epidemic, primarily because of the increasing prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is an endocrine disease in which the body has either a shortage of insulin or a decrease ability to use insulin or both. Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose to enter the cells and be converted into energy. Diabetes can be characterized as a prevailing, incapacitatingRead MoreObesity, Diabetes And Lung Cancer1046 Words   |  5 PagesEpidemiological studies: Critical Review of Obesity, Diabetes and Lung Cancer Epidemiological Study on Obesity The overweight problem is big issue in the United States and worldwide with the average American weighing 3-5 kilograms more than they did ten years ago. Obesity is an excess of body fat that leads to ill health. The study was based on a sample representative of United States where 22.9 percent men and 23.3 women were obese, and 44.1percent of men and 34 percent of women were overweightRead MoreHealth Problem Of Diabetes And Obesity1182 Words   |  5 PagesPublic Health Problem Diabetes is a deficiency in the body’s ability to metabolize sugar. Insulin is the hormone which typically regulates this process. There are two types of diabetes. The first is type 1. This is caused due to a failure in the insulin producing cells of the pancreas and is diagnosed when a person is young. Type 2 diabetes is the more common diabetes. It can be diagnosed at any time and occurs when blood glucose levels begin to rise higher than normal. This is also called hyperglycemiaRead MoreThe Effects Of Slight Obesity On Diabetes919 Words   |  4 PagesThe results from the examination reveal slight obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, liver disease, kidney disease, and cholesterol. The problem of slight obesity can be managed with a weight loss program. Marianna has a BMI of 32 based on weight of 90kg with a height of 5†6. To this end, It is necessary to use a nutritionist, support programs, and set weight goals. She needs to have a follow up program to monitor her health care status with the weight loss. For her blood pressureRead MoreObesity : The Prevalence Of Diabetes1877 Words   |  8 PagesThe prevalence of diabetes in America continues to grow. Information gathered from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledge that in the United States, one out of every eleven people has been diagnosed with diabetes and that one out of every four people are diabetic but not aware of it. Research has also shown that the medical costs and lost wages for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes is greater than two hundred billion dollars and that the mortality rate for diabetics